Friday, October 31, 2008


It turned out to be a beautiful night for princesses and fairies to dress up and run all around. Kids look forward to this night all year long. Little “M” was Princess Belle this year and wanted to go out only with mom and dad this year which really surprised the both of us. She is really about her friends most of the time. We really did not mind we enjoyed having her all to ourselves and just walking and walking and walking did I mention that we walked. Yes, we walked probably close to 3 miles now little “M” of course did not she had a coach to ride in unlike her parent who need the exercise.

She loved the talking part when she went to the door she would just carry on conversations and tell the people in our neighborhood all kinds of stories. You can tell she is my daughter. We called it quits around 10:00 and headed home we were exhausted I am sure she would have kept going if we would have let her.

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