Sunday, October 5, 2008

Wait and Weight

These have both been a struggle for me lately. Waiting for little “K” is getting harder as the holidays are approaching. Miss M asks daily when are we leaving for my sister I want her to come home. We tell her so do we sweetie. We will be leaving before you know it.

Weight has found a place on my hips. Over the past year I have increased in size. You know that feeling when you put your pants on and they are tight they are all tight. Since the accident, I have not felt like exercising or exerting a lot of energy well there you have it, so the weight increases. Now I have to do something. I have been on a plan for about a month to change habits and routines and it is starting to pay off. I am hoping all the extra weight plus more will be gone by the time our China wait is over. There is good news with these waits (weights) Steve has lost weight J

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