Friday, September 21, 2007

Six Months Logged In

We have made it another month. 6 months of being logged in and it looks like referrals are going to make it into the month of December. We could not be happier for all the families waiting. Most of all to get out of the month of November.

To celebrate our milestone day it started out very normal work and then mid afternoon (2:00) I took Maddie to her ballet class and then we were going to my very dear friends birthday party at church we had planned for her. Steve was out of town this week so it has just been me and Maddie. Well after leaving ballet I decided to take a short cut to the store and that is when all the excitement started. We were T-boned in the drivers side by an F-250 diesel pick-up going about 45-50 MPH. I was pinned in the car and Maddie was in back seat on the opposite side she had a bleeding mouth which scared me because I could not reach her. She had just bitten her lip she was fine. Praise God!! Within minutes of watching this huge truck squish us people came from all directions to help. The nicest lady came and comforted Maddie and took her from the car and cared for her the whole time. I am still unable to move. Four men came and ripped the door off the truck and tried to get all the broken glass off my face until the paramedics got there.

Now Steve is out of town and I still can't get to Maddie. Beth my dearest friend is on her way but can't get through because all of the traffic and now they are taking me by ambulance to the hospital and my baby girl is still with this god sent lady in the middle of the road. By now I am crying and Steve knows about the accident and he has called friends and cop friends who are showing up everywhere and all around jumping in the ambulance and said do not worry Maddie she is safe. One of our friends took her home for the night. The techs said do you know all these people? I can't tell you how wonderful it is to see people so helpful and caring. Praise God nothing is Broken!!!! I am badly bruised and beaten I am having difficulty walking. Beth my dearest friend stayed with me and so many friends have come by the hospital and the house. The prayers have been wonderful. Steve saw the truck and he said I was lucky to be alive. Now on the road to recovery :) Maddie said she wants her mommy back!

Steve and I are so blessed with all the wonderful friends we have. Everyone is so thoughtful with there prayers, phone calls (I need my own secretay), food and care. Most of all I have the greatest husband a wife could have he is caring and has been the greatest through all of this and wears every hat there is.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Great Friends

We are so blessed and feel so fortunate with wonderful friends and secret pals (yahoo groups). Kinsey and Maddie have been showered with so many wonderful gifts. Also some of my girlfriends have so graciously given us clothes that their daughters have out grown for Kinsey the outfits, dresses, shoes and everything are wonderful I can't wait to use all this baby stuff. I am always day dreaming of what she will be like I get lost in thought over our little princess.

I have posted some pictures of just a few of the things they have received. Thanks everyone for your generosity and thoughtfulness.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Referral Time

Yes, it is that time again and it was another slow month with referral only going through 11/25. For the depressing part of referrals since we have been logged in 3/19/07 they have spent 5 months of that in November :(. For the bright side of referrals we are hoping that they will make it out of November in the next batch of referrals which will be in October. The CCAA has a holiday the first week of October so hoping for referrals to be sent prior to their extended leave for holiday. The past trend is that they mail referrals prior to leaving but as we have seen in the past year trends have changed drastically and nothing is predictable anymore.

Steve, Audrey, Maddie and myself are in this for the long haul and will wait as long as it takes God has the right baby for us and our family. I know alot of families have concern about their ages, time frames, and wanting multiple children. We pray for strength and patience for all the families in waiting.

This is my favorite time of the month Maddie and I get to look at all the referral photos together and read all the stories of the new babies and their families. Lots of journey's to follow.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Labor Day Weekend

What a nice 4 day weekend. My parents came into town to visit on their way up to Hilton Head. Maddie had fun visiting with Mesue and Papa. Audrey also got to come for the weekend it was one big happy family :). Lots of time for eating and relaxing, OH also add a little shopping in there. Steve especially enjoyed the relaxing and kicking back.

Steve and Maddie went to a party on Labor Day while Audrey and I hung out at the house doing girl stuff. Maddie is at a fun age for Steve they have such a fun time going off together and doing their own thing and this gives me a little break.