Thursday, May 21, 2009

I am back

I disappeared for awhile because I pulled a grace act. I broke my left arm it was so embarrising. Steve was out and I had just got home with "M" from a mission project with our church. Not home 5 minutes and I went to go throw some camp chairs away and I tripped in the driveway over the bags and I did a great attempt to try to catch myself. For all of those of you who know me I am prone to being a cluts. I still say if I did not have on my sneakers I would not have stopped dead in my tracks. Anyway "M" stepped up to be the big girl. She went to get help and called dad. I could not get up because oh ya I messed up my knee. Praise God my dear friend Krista was home. By this time I am sure Steve already had the sirens on the car and was coming home at 80 MPH I was still in a daze from the pain I was sure it was broken but just wanted to go inside were there was air instead of laying on the concrete. Krista is so wonderful she kept me entertained and laughing an "M" played nurse.

Now it was off to the hospital I was so glad we did not take "M" that was an experience in itself in the ER. The 2 doctors could not decide if it was broken so the but my arm in a sling and immobilized it till Monday what a long weekend. When I saw the specialist he pulled up the X-ray and said it was broken at the elbow. I told him I do not have time for a broken arm or elbow he laughed and asked me what color cast I wanted. I just wanted to cry. To honor "M" she asked me to get pink first, well for all who know me that was never going to happen so I went with her second choice of purple. I really really wanted black it goes with everything. This thing went clear up my arm :( Again I was truly blessed with a great husband, daughter and friends who made the whole ordeal totally bearable.

Weeks later it is off but the doctor said it still will be 2 plus months before it is back to normal. Yes, I am back to cleaning the house again. I was hoping that would last a little longer.

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