Saturday, April 14, 2007


What a beautiful Easter weekend. Audrey and Maddie had a great time together. It was all about Easter egg hunts and bunnies. First they went to an egg hunt on Saturday at our church and Maddie got to ride on the big slide, see a show and then off to the hunt. She thinks Easter is like Christmas and her birthday she had a list of things she wanted mainly Cinderella III and a pony. She was so excited for Sunday to hunt more eggs and see her little friend Abagail (she was adopted the same time as Maddie) at church. We had a street egg hunt that was a blast the kids hunted eggs for more than 30 minutes the moms all did a great job :) Maddie still asks where are are the eggs every time we go outside for playdates.
We are truly blessed !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was there with Madeline Tian Mcnally over easter! She had so much fun:)
-Audrey Garretson