New Year Resolutions
I am not one to make new year resolutions but I decided this year I would attempt to try to make a change. Two things I wanted to see different in my life. First, I want to become more organized. I plan to accomplish this by: Using an organizer, I got a World Blackberry, started to clean out every closet and cupboard in the house and donate everything we do not use, categorize our stuff. Even Steve has cleaned out his treasures :)
Second, I decided to get in shape. After the accident I have not done a thing. Between my hip, shoulder and the constant headaches I have not wanted to really do much but with prayer and good doctors I am starting to feel human again. I am going to take a christian aerobics/yoga class taught by a dear friend who teaches at a local gym.
If this proves to work I will continue to make resolutions year after year. I am dedicated to get in shape I have a child on the way and I need to get back to where I was a year and a half ago or better.